About Irvine Exterminating
Our goal at Irvine Exterminating is to build relationships on all levels with customers and provide a barrier of defense consisting of several IPM practices that will help prevent and exclude rodents and insects from transferring their harborages into the homes and associations we serve.
Our strength as a company and a service provider is not only in the quality of our programs but the service. Providing a pest control service is only a small part of any program. Support for not only the manager and board but the resident as well is where we can really make a difference. Supplying our clients with information allows for us to educate everyone as to why they are having pest issues and how they can resolve those issues with either our help or on their own.
Small populations of pest can be tolerated, total eradication is often not necessary. The introduction of chemicals into the ecosystem can change the balance, destroying certain species and allowing others to dominate.
CALL: 949.945.4743 EMAIL: Service@IrvExt.com